吳蕙安 助理教授 副主任 Wu,HUI-AN Assistant Professor 辦公室:R409-4
學歷: 淡江大學英文學系博士班 Ph. D in TESOL, Tamkang University 雲林科技大學英語教學研究所 M.A. in TESOL, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
現職:大仁科技大學專任 助理教授Assistant Professor
![]() 專長:英語教學TESOL、語言測驗Language testing、英文口筆譯 English interpretation and translation 電腦輔助語言教學 CALL (Computer assisted language learning) |
期刊論文: Ho, Y. C., Wu, H. L. & Ho, H. W. (2015). The Analysis of Technological University Students' English Performance and Test-taking Difficulties in the NETPAW Test. Tajen Journal, Vol. 47, 47-67. Wu, H. L. & Ho, Y. C. (2014). A Contrastive Study of Compliment Responses between English and Mandarin Chinese Languages- A Case Study of Intermediate EFL Learners. Modern Taohuayuan Journal, Vol. 4, 19-40. 研討會論文: Wu, H. L. & Ho, Y. C. (2014). A Contrastive Study of Compliment Responses between English and Mandarin Chinese Languages- A Case Study of Intermediate EFL Learners. Paper presented at the Tajen University Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, Pingtung, August 23rd, 2014 Ho, Y. C., Wu, H. L. & Ho, H. W. (2014). The Analysis of Technological University Students’ English Performance and Test-taking Difficulties in the NETPAW Test. Paper presented at the Tajen University Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, Pingtung, August 23rd, 2014 Wu, H. L. (2013). The Relationship between Proficiency Levels and Learning Strategies for EFL Students in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Tajen University Conference on Foreign Language Education, Pingtung, April 25th, 2013 Wu, H. L. & Chen, M. L. (2008). The Analysis of Interpretation Learning Difficulties. Paper presented at 2008 International Symposium on ESP, Kaohsiung, 2008 Chen, M. L. & Wu, H. L. (2007). Exhibition English for Accessing MICE Industry: Applying the Cooperative Learning. Paper presented at the Ninth Conference on Applied English Personnel Cultivation, Taoyuan, May 30th, 2007. Wu, H. L. (2003). Concordancer Learning for EFL learners: Proficiency, Learning Strategies and Attitudes toward Concordancer. Paper presented at the Conference on English Teaching for Technology Universities and Colleges, Hsinchu, Dec 12th, 2003 演講: Wu, H. L. (2006). Strategies for How to Improve English Teaching for Junior High School Teachers. Gao-Tai Junior High School, Pingtung, Dec. 25th, 2006 研究著作: