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We now have 7 professional classrooms for different purposes of teaching, including:  Performing Arts Classroom, Classroom for Infant and Child Health Care, Sciences Classroom for Young Children, Music & Movement Classroom for Young Children, Music Classroom, Classroom for Curriculum & Course Design and Classroom for Children’s Behavior Guidance. Seven professional classrooms are located on the 1st, 4th and 5th floor in R Building which are convenient for teaching and learning purposes. The establishment of professional classrooms aims at providing perfect teaching and learning environment in order to cultivate talents for infant and child health care, after-school program and Sciences education for young children. 


Professional Classrooms

Professional Classrooms

Pictures Courses/Functions

Performing Arts Classroom


Keyboard, Musical Activities for Young Children, Parent-Children Activities Design

Classroom for Infant and Child Health Care


Nutrition in Infancy and Children, 

Sciences Classroom for Young Children


Teaching Materials and Methods for Kindergarten, Subject Matter and Pedagogy of Mathematics, Introduction to Science for Children

Music & Movement Classroom for Young Children


Physical Movement for Young Children, Creative Movement, Creative Teaching with Scientific Games

Music Classroom


Musical Activities for Young Children, Keyboard

Classroom for Curriculum & Course Design


Class Activities and Curriculum Design, Montessori’s Educational Theory, Picture Books Appreciation and Design

Classroom for Children’s Behavior Guidance


Introduction to Art Therapy, Early Intervention,Early Childhood Special Education


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